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Employer Brand Strategist
Създадена за управляващите на ежедневна база работодателската марка на компанията, този курс ще ви помогне да овладеете обосновка, принципи и обща стратегия за управление на работодателската марка.

Employer Brand Leader*
Посветен най-вече върху изучаване на реални казуси, този курс ще ви научи как сами да подготвите и имплементирате успешна стратегия за работодателска марка, при всички възможни сценарии в компанията.
* Всички уроци от курса Employer Brand Strategist трябва да са завършени.
Правилното място за тренинг в управлението на таланти
Във време, в което управлението на таланти е по-трудно от всякога, имате възможност да изучите работодателската марка от създателят ѝ и надградите уменията си, получавайки престижен сертификат.
Първи в индустрията
Като първи в индустрията, Employer Brand Academy е престижен институт, който помага на employer brand професионалисти от цял свят от 2009г.
Ненадминато съдържание
Добре структурираната учебна програма на Академията се фокусира върху предоставяне на пълния набор от умения за управление на работодателската марка – от източници до управление на възпитаници и измерване на последващи ефекти.
One-to-one коучинг
Базирана на индивидуален коучинг и залагане на реални работни задачи, Employer Brand Academy програмата се преподава от опитни инструктори, които да ви предложат всичко необходимо за ефективно управление на работодателската марка.
Глобална мрежа от експерти
Участниците могат да избират от различни курсове и да се насладят на глобалния EBA Hub, който предлага възможности за работа в мрежа с други професионалисти от целия свят.
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I had the pleasure to meet Ali Ayaz during couple of Master Classes on Employer Branding is Sofia, Bulgaria. His extensive knowledge from HR and Marketing point of view is undeniable, but what inspired me the most is his strategic approach, practical ideas and recommendations. I found his book “Secret Formulas for an Authentic Employer Brand” as extremely useful and a very good starting point from which to create the Employee Value Proposition of our company. In addition to his proven professionalism, Ali is with a very friendly and kind attitude, always ready to support with accurate advice and different point of view. I am glad that I have the opportunity to know such a dedicated employer brand consultant and I am looking forward to our next engaging and inspiring interaction.

I met Mr. Ali Ayaz while I was writing my PhD thesis on the employer branding perspective. Mr. Ayaz’s different perspectives and directions have guided me to finish my thesis in the best possible way. Later on, the Employer Branding Summit further helped me integrate the notion of employer branding in professional life with the academic world. Through his brand management knowledge and strategic approach, he became an inspiration both to me and to the employees who worked for a company that had embraced employer brand management as a strategy. His book “Secret Formulas for an Authentic Employer brand” is also very valuable, useful and practical for everybody who wants to master and apply employer branding in their organizations. It is a pleasure to meet such a valuable person who is always willing to help in every way possible.

I believe we all experience some rough times when it comes to attracting, engaging and retaining the best people possible in the organizations we work for. Therefore to some extent, the buzz around Employer Branding is understandable and of course, it sounds nice and catchy. But how many of us HRs actually do Employer Branding? Is it translated into our day-to-day activities and processes? Where we should draw the line between HR and Communications and why not Marketing as well? And what concepts from Marketing underpin the whole story behind the employer brand? I was getting quite confused about all of that and was very much aware of how limited my knowledge is in this area and that I merely had an idea about how to start. I had the pleasure to meet Mr. Ali Ayaz, a globally acknowledged professional who has successfully completed around 200 projects on Employer branding for Fortune 500 companies. Thanks to the two-day EB Black Belt Master Class in Sofia, Bulgaria, I had the opportunity to deep-dive into the topic and get back in the office with me being crazy about all the practical ideas that we can kick off as of today.

From our alumni

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I had the pleasure to meet Ali Ayaz during couple of Master Classes on Employer Branding is Sofia, Bulgaria. His extensive knowledge from HR and Marketing point of view is undeniable, but what inspired me the most is his strategic approach, practical ideas and recommendations. I found his book “Secret Formulas for an Authentic Employer Brand” as extremely useful and a very good starting point from which to create the Employee Value Proposition of our company. In addition to his proven professionalism, Ali is with a very friendly and kind attitude, always ready to support with accurate advice and different point of view. I am glad that I have the opportunity to know such a dedicated employer brand consultant and I am looking forward to our next engaging and inspiring interaction.

I met Mr. Ali Ayaz while I was writing my PhD thesis on the employer branding perspective. Mr. Ayaz’s different perspectives and directions have guided me to finish my thesis in the best possible way. Later on, the Employer Branding Summit further helped me integrate the notion of employer branding in professional life with the academic world. Through his brand management knowledge and strategic approach, he became an inspiration both to me and to the employees who worked for a company that had embraced employer brand management as a strategy. His book “Secret Formulas for an Authentic Employer brand” is also very valuable, useful and practical for everybody who wants to master and apply employer branding in their organizations. It is a pleasure to meet such a valuable person who is always willing to help in every way possible.

I believe we all experience some rough times when it comes to attracting, engaging and retaining the best people possible in the organizations we work for. Therefore to some extent, the buzz around Employer Branding is understandable and of course, it sounds nice and catchy. But how many of us HRs actually do Employer Branding? Is it translated into our day-to-day activities and processes? Where we should draw the line between HR and Communications and why not Marketing as well? And what concepts from Marketing underpin the whole story behind the employer brand? I was getting quite confused about all of that and was very much aware of how limited my knowledge is in this area and that I merely had an idea about how to start. I had the pleasure to meet Mr. Ali Ayaz, a globally acknowledged professional who has successfully completed around 200 projects on Employer branding for Fortune 500 companies. Thanks to the two-day EB Black Belt Master Class in Sofia, Bulgaria, I had the opportunity to deep-dive into the topic and get back in the office with me being crazy about all the practical ideas that we can kick off as of today.